Source code for strongdoc.api.login

# All Rights Reserved 2020

from strongdoc import client
from strongdoc import constants
from strongdoc.proto import accounts_pb2, strongdoc_pb2_grpc

[docs]def login(userid, password, orgid): """ Verify the user and organization identity, and returns a JWT token for future API use. There must be a one second difference between logout and login. A gRPC connection timeout will be implemented. :param userid: The login user ID :type userid: str :param password: The login user password :type password: str :param orgid: The login organization ID :type orgid: str :raises grpc.RpcError: Raised by the gRPC library to indicate non-OK-status RPC termination. :returns: The JWT token used to authenticate user/org when using StrongDoc APIs. :rtype: str """ with client.connect_to_server_with_no_auth() as no_auth_conn: client_stub = strongdoc_pb2_grpc.StrongDocServiceStub(no_auth_conn) # create login request message request = accounts_pb2.LoginReq(userID=userid, password=password, orgID=orgid) # make the call response = client_stub.Login(request, timeout=constants.GRPC_TIMEOUT) return response.token
[docs]def logout(token): """ Logs out the user associated with the specified token. :param token: The user JWT token. :type token: str :returns: The logout status of the user. :rtype: str """ with client.connect_to_server_with_auth(token) as auth_conn: client_stub = strongdoc_pb2_grpc.StrongDocServiceStub(auth_conn) request = accounts_pb2.LogoutReq() response = client_stub.Logout(request, timeout=constants.GRPC_TIMEOUT) return response.status